Dark Mode Emails: 14 Brilliant Ways eCommerce Stores Can Nail It (w/ Examples)

Enabling dark mode in emails helps users scan way faster than they usually do – while increasing the perceived ease of use. However, do you actually need to write complicated code, just to enable dark mode in your emails?
That is exactly what this article covers – we start with:
▶ How to get dark-mode email right for your eCommerce brand (14 awesome ideas+ examples)
▶ Common challenges in creating dark-mode emails
Let’s go! 😉
The steps here are pretty straightforward – all you need to do is:
Here's why you should do it:
Segments are dynamic – meaning any new addresses will get automatically added to a segment and thus trigger workflows using optimized dark-mode email templates.
The goal is to create a segment by running a filter that checks the text in the email addresses. For example, you can use text filters “@gmail.com”, “@yahoo.com”, and “icloud.com.”
This method will ultimately result in the creation of two distinct email templates:
👉 Dark mode email template for clients that support code changes
👉 Universal dark mode email template irrespective of whether the email client supports code or not
Pro Tip: This is by far the easiest way to segment your emails – but still may have some errors, as some users may use different apps to access their emails.
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This method involves adding a bit of metadata to your email templates via the head tags – which lets the email client know that the email is ready to handle dark mode as well as light mode.
This is an example of the code you need to add between the <head> tags of your email:
<meta name="color-scheme" content="light dark"> <meta name="supported-color-schemes" content="light dark">
However, this step is strictly optional – as some email clients will go ahead and switch colors on their own.
Pro Tip: Using meta tags to declare dark mode in your emails is optional – if you do use one, make sure you’re using code that your target email client supports – which leads us to the next point.
This method is optional for universal dark mode email templates – but a ‘must-do’ for dark mode email templates targeting email clients that support @media queries – like Apple Mail (“icloud.com”, “me.com” or “@mac.com”), Samsung mail, and others.
The goal here is to use the “Prefers-color-scheme: dark” media query and create CSS classes to set dark-mode-specific behavior – here’s an example of a CSS override to switch between logos on dark mode:
<img src="yournormallogo.png” alt="light mode logo” class="normallogo">
<div class="lightlogo" style="visibility: hidden; width: 0;”>
<img src="yourlogofordarkmode.png” alt="dark mode logo” class="darkmodelogo” style="visibility: hidden; width: 0;”>
@media(prefers-color-scheme: dark)
.normallogo {display: none !important;}
.darkmodelogo {display: block!important; width: 100px !important;}
Pro Tip: Add styling elements like line height, padding, and borders to further enrich the styling. However, make sure you assign unique style classes for each element – for example, it’s best not to use the same CSS class for text as well as images.
This step is especially useful for all types of dark-mode email templates. The goal here is to use a gradient of two colors as the background of the tables in your email – so your logos pop out, even if the background changes color.
Additionally, you can also use the CSS property “mix-blend-mode” and set it to ‘hard-light’ – here’s an example you can use for creating dark mode emails:
<table border="0" cellpadding=50px" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td style="background: linear-gradient(#000000, #f87d65); text-align: center;"> <p style="color: #ffffff; text-align: center">This is your white text!</p><img src="yourlogo.png" alt="Logo" style="mix-blend-mode: hard-light; width: 200px;"> </td>
Output with reversed colors:
Pro Tip: You can also use partially opaque photos to blend with your background. Check this dark mode email example from Pair with a partially transparent logo – but Gmail automatically changes the color to adjust for dark mode:
Also read: eCommerce Email Design: 25 Beautiful Examples (& Why They Drive Sales)
The reason behind this is so your logos/icons don’t get lost in the background when the email client automatically changes the background color. A great alternative to transparent backgrounds, this dark mode email hack targets email clients that change colors and images (partially and fully) in dark mode.
The idea is to use two colors – one that matches the background of the email – and another that builds contrast against the background color.
Here are two examples from De La Calle:
Pro Tip: Avoid this technique when creating hero images or product images within your email. Here’s why: if the email client switches out the primary background color, your images may end up completely off-brand.
Also read: Our Favorite Hero Image Examples in eCommerce (2024)
Want to ensure your email colors don't switch? Use colors that work against dark and light backgrounds – here are two instances of this technique in action within this example from Tenways.
Tenways features shades of electric blue and teal colors, and both of these shades retain colors against both light and dark backgrounds. Meanwhile, the light gray color blends in with the light mode version and creates a unique section within the dark mode version:
Pro Tip: Maintain a hierarchy of colors in your emails – darker colors should always go at the back, with the lightest on top. For example, if your background is #ffffff, use #545454 (not pure black, but close to it) – use #f1f1f1 (similar to white but of a slightly darker and different shade) on top of that. These colors aren’t usually targeted by other email clients – which helps ensure that these colors don’t switch.
Doing this ensures that your logos stand out no matter what – all you have to do is add an outline to your logos/social icons – here are two examples from Buoy and Remarkable:
Pro Tip: Avoid using CSS to generate outlines for your images – instead, it's better to use photo editing software to create an outline.
Most email clients don’t switch colors on larger images – which helps ensure that the sanctity of the email is retained. However, what you should always keep in mind is that your colors should never be muted:
Pro Tip: Use your email’s full width to create a background for your logos – instead of a square block on which your logo rests.
Also read: eCommerce Email Mobile Optimization: 35 Guidelines For Store Owners
When colors switch, important elements like dividers and spacers may change colors – making your entire email look inconsistent.
The way out: reduce padding between cells and other elements – or at the very least, maintain consistency.
Check how one section from this Act and Acre’s email adapts wonderfully – however, the other does not – all because of inconsistent padding and image alignment:
Pro Tip: If you use HTML padding, add color to it – use a close but different shade to the email’s background – this will ensure your colors don't switch as the email client optimizes for dark mode (Act and Acre does this too with the 'Email Us', 'Text Us' and 'Live Chat' blocks).
Adding a border via HTML is one of the biggest dark-mode email best practices – especially if you use inverted colors. For example: a black border against a white background and vice versa.
The goal is to leverage predictability – as pure white and black will get switched. Here’s a brilliant example of this in action from Bern Helmets:
Pro Tip: Add shapes to your padding through border-radius – this will ensure your sections look clean – which leads us to our next point.
Transparent images and colors are ideal for dark mode emails – check how this example from UGG features CTA buttons and product images to create a beautifully optimized dark mode email, all with transparent images and colors:
Pro Tip: Upload all product photos with a slight glow around the edges of the product, ensuring the images stand out automatically, even in dark mode.
Also read: 19 Creative Ways to Display eCommerce Products (w/ Brilliant Examples)
Bringing in your brand colors through backgrounds and dividers made of different colors will add extra unpredictability to your email – which is why it's a much easier idea to simplify as Gus does:
Pro Tip: It's best not to use text over images, as it may cause low readability – instead try using separate table cells for text and images – check this example:
The idea is to maintain your email’s readability when the email client switches to dark mode and the images are blocked. Here's what you need to do – apart from using background colors on table rows and cells, add CSS to your images to ensure that the alt text appears with padding and colors. This helps build contrast against the background color of the table cells:
Pro Tip: You can also skip declaring colors in your HTML – however, for links you can set a little surprise color with the ‘: hover’ CSS attribute.
Also read: 13 Proven Ways to Reduce Email Unsubscribe Rate (eCommerce)
This is the most important and the least tried-out step to get dark mode emails right. All you need to do is:
Your goal here is to A/B test different elements across different email clients and devices – here are some ideas:
✅ Transparent images vs. images with backgrounds
✅ CTA buttons with a border vs. without borders
✅ Logos with padding vs. without padding
✅ Logos with an outline vs. with a glowing outline
✅ Backgrounds with one color vs. multiple colors
✅ Social icons with dual colors vs. single-color
Set out a base template and send it across all the possible combinations of email clients and devices. The goal is to look for inconsistencies in terms of branding, dividers, and readability.
Pro Tip: Try using low screen brightness when testing emails in dark mode – this will help you understand what colors don’t read as well on low brightness. For further ideas on this, always refer to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) when setting colors – the aim should be to use high contrast (if needed, use a color contrast checker tool).
Also read: Email A/B Testing: Elements to Test + Mistakes to Avoid
Dark mode doesn’t work the same way in every email client. It may be the most common challenge, but not the biggest one by any margin. This is why we’ve ranked the challenges by severity – we start with the biggest challenge in creating eCommerce dark mode emails:
Optimizing your email for dark mode on Outlook? Consider this: most eCommerce consumers use their personal email when signing up for an average eCommerce brand’s email (unless the brand caters to bulk purchases or b2b transactions). Think of it like this: would you be willing to give away your shopping habits to your employer?
The statistics support this theory – as Gmail alone holds 30.57% of all email opens worldwide – while Apple devices (including iOS, iPadOS, and macOS) make up 55% of opens, with Outlook coming in at just 4%.
Here’s another fun statistic: 75% of users open their Gmail on mobile (while 64% of all mobile users keep dark mode turned on).
Tl;dr: People in SaaS companies probably should be worried about getting dark mode right on Outlook.
Almost all major email clients offer dark mode (except for Yahoo Mail and Gmail Desktop) – however, each client has different approaches to treating dark mode:
It can apply to images, HTML-specified colors, and PNG icons. Here’s a perfect example – check how the same email shows differently in dark mode in Gmail (Windows) and Outlook (Windows) as well as Gmail (Android) and Outlook (Windows):
If you have noticed closely, Gmail for desktop keeps the email’s background remains white. Meanwhile, Outlook converts colors – and so does Gmail on Android.
However, the real twist comes if you compare how Gmail (Android) changes colors compared to Outlook (Windows) – which leads us to our next point.
Dark mode for email essentially involves adding a bit of code that lets the email client know the email supports dark mode. It also involves adding CSS ‘@media’ queries to perform certain actions when dark mode is detected. However, the code may not work the same way as we may expect it to – as some clients support forms of code, while others don’t.
For example, both iOS will change pure white (#ffffff) to pure black (#000000) – irrespective of the code. In some cases, the email client will change the colors in images by auto-applying filters – or inverting images. Let’s take the same email from Only Natural Pet as an example:
Note how Gmail (Android) and Outlook (Desktop) change the colors of the text and images. Both Gmail and iOS invert colors fully as well as affect images, leading to unpredictable color changes, as we just saw above.
Gmail doesn’t honor any user-included code when it comes to dark mode – sometimes not all colors or images may change and lead to scenarios like these examples:
Note how the YouTube logo disappears; while the Pinterest logo changes color altogether – while the second email shows a different color shade:
White changes to black – black turns to white, which leads to logos and HTML text disappearing altogether:
Note this particular example of Gmail doing a partial inversion on lighter colors by turning them to a darker shade and vice versa – but things go wrong:
👉 Key takeaway: Get your dark mode email right on Gmail (Android) if you want your emails to work – irrespective of how most email clients handle dark mode.
Dark mode saves charge, reduces eye strain, and looks very cool. However, nearly 64% of all smartphone users keep dark mode turned on – and we’re talking globally here. Moreover, dark mode adoption on desktops has grown by 102% in the last year.
This means dark mode usage is on the rise across devices – and email clients running on those devices are forced to change colors to comply with dark mode. As a result, so does the demand for dark mode in emails.
1. Create different dark mode templates for email clients
One email template for an email client that supports code, one that doesn’t.
2. Tell the email client
Add meta tags to the head of your email to let the email client know that your email works in dark mode.
3. Use transparent PNGs
These images have no background and can help improve the user experience when reading in dark mode.
4. Keep text as text
Avoid using images instead of text.
5. Create high-contrast images
This can help make images look good in dark mode.
6. Use the right colors
Like off-white colors, white is often too bright in dark mode. Use bold colors, like loud neon colors to avoid automatic inversions.
7. Create the right type of logos and icons
👉 Logos with unique backgrounds
👉 Icons with inverted colors
👉 Social icons with glow or border
👉 Logos with outlines/glow
8. Add CSS to your email style tags
Use “Prefers-color-scheme: dark” to set dark mode-specific behavior using CSS classes for each element of the email – for example, here’s an example of a CSS override to switch between logos on dark mode.
9. Reduce padding between sections and tables
This ensures that the gap between sections doesn't switch colors and form inconsistencies.
10. Skip declaring tags
Especially if you’re sending to Gmail – because this email client decides for itself.
11. Leave the backgrounds as they are
Just don’t use full black or white (unless you intend to).
12. Test different forms of dark mode
Under different devices and email clients—run A/B tests on all your dark mode templates under various screen brightnesses, speeds, and screen resolutions.