Top 20 Product Page examples from the UK (eCommerce)

One problem that is common among eCommerce brands is the difficulty in designing product pages that convert.
With too much at stake, product pages are designed with one or two elements in mind — product descriptions, and images.
Here’s a list of 20 product page examples from eCommerce brands in the UK that serve as an inspiration to creating product pages that engage, educate, and convert.
‘Write like you speak’ is a phrase that’s been thrown around one too many times. However, the majority of eCommerce brands write for robots when the core audience are everyday humans.
Kitri writes its product descriptions for its customers. It is conversational making it easier for customers to understand.
This product description nails it for the description of the specialty of the dress. It suggests using a belt to keep it tight if the customer wants to hit the floor.
Why it works
Pro Tip — Write your product descriptions using the inverted pyramid model where the most important information is written first
It’s not uncommon to see your best sellers and popular products go out of stock frequently.
A lot many eCommerce brands do zilch about it. It’s a golden opportunity to engage customers with the help of back-in-stock emails.
Back in stock emails have a 65.32% open rate which is exceptional among common email campaign types.
Why it works
Pro Tip — Include a link to your returns page in your product page to inspire confidence in your customers
Ever wondered what makes users interact on a website? Or what makes them glued to the site long enough?
Well, it's the visual cues!
Visual cues in eCommerce draw the user’s attention to things of importance and make the user journey on the site smooth.
Whistles uses directional cues on its product pages to help users move to the next item.
The pointers help users move to the next and the previous products. This ensures that the user has enough options and information to make a decision.
Why it works
Pro Tip — Add an animated product demo to captivate user’s interest in the product
Don't miss reading 22 Ways to Use Visual Cues to Drive More Conversions in eCommerce
Do you have everything in place that makes for a great user experience?
We bet not!
A uniform layout makes for smooth and even navigation while providing a streamlined and clear experience.
Moncler uses a two-column layout on its product page ensuring a seamless shopping experience when scrolling.
Two-column layout page makes for a steady and responsive layout for multimedia and content.
Why it works
Pro Tip — Include a fit predictor offering size match based on other popular brands to make decision-making easier
If you are a pricey product but reducing your price is simply not an option, what do you do?
Offer BNPL options so that customers can’t simply say no.
Gymshark offers interest free payments in 3 installments on its product pages.
44% of UK customers prefer BNPL because of the ease and convenience it offers.
Why it works
Pro Tip — Include 2 or 3 BNPL options so customers can’t cite the non-availability of their favorite BNPL service
Even seen how simple nudges can drive conversions?
Emma uses the social proof nudge on its product pages.
This uses the stock alert plus scarcity of the product viewed over the last 24 hours.
Another move by Emma uses great copywriting that uses the framing effect.
Why it works
Pro Tip — Using a product demo video increases conversions as 64% of customers are highly influenced by the same
A visually appealing product page may score 100 if it ever walked the ramp. But, when customers are the best judge, your product page needs to score well for readability as much as for the colors and images.
Very, a UK-based apparel brand makes readability easy for customers.
The black and white color scheme ensures cognitive ease — the ease or fluency of the brain to easily process the information. The line spacing reduces cognitive strain which motivates users to stay on the product page.
Why it works
Pro Tip — Offer a subscription service for customers who make recurring purchases
Ever found it difficult when looking to find the size for the bed sheet in your bedroom?
You aren’t alone because not all eCommerce brands provide sizing guides when it comes to bed sheets.
PigletInBed is a rare exception providing sizing guides for mattresses and pillows along with clothes.
Why it works
Pro Tip — Adding a fit predictor on your product page can help customers make better decisions
When it comes to CTA buttons, the typical eCommerce brands follow a laid back approach.
Breaking the custom is Lazy Oaf which has designed two large call-to-action buttons.
With dimensions 180 x 40 and 200 x 42.4 for the size button and Add to bag respectively, users will be psychologically convinced to click them.
Why it works
Pro Tip — Use a color for your button that aligns with your brand color for uniformity
Check out 21 ways to create call-to-action buttons that convert
Ever happened to be in a situation where you really liked the product but were unsure about your size?
We’ve all been there!
With product discovery being the foundation for all eCommerce conversions, Vivobarefoot makes finding the right shoe size easier with image search.
38% of eCommerce customer journeys begin on the retailer’s homepage. This makes it important to ensure you use guided selling to engage users to make purchases.
Why it works
Pro Tip — Using a 3D visualization tool can increase engagement. 82% of shoppers use the 3D view when available.
Finding a good shoe and your favorite color, only to realize that your size is out of stock can be a bummer.
Of the few eCommerce sites in the UK that mention the stock for all sizes on its product page, Dear Frances comes out right at the time.
Why it works
Pro Tip — Adding a ‘Notify me when available’ is a brilliant option to send back-in-stock alert emails to visitors
Thank us later: Making “out of stock” products a conversion driver
Customer reviews and star ratings seem too phony when there’s no objective-based criterion.
BYBI seems to have figured this out as it displays customer testimonials and ratings based on aspects such as texture, hydration, and scent.
The wow factor of this social proof is that it lists the age range, What I love, and Skin Type which is objectively based on certifying the authenticity of the reviews.
Why it works
Pro Tip — Including a video testimonial can increase your conversion rate by 80%
Learn how social proof works with eCommerce social proof: What, why & how (with proven examples)
Going omnichannel is at the top of every eCommerce brand’s wish list. You wouldn’t want to be far behind when 70% of UK customers prefer a hybrid shopping experience — both online and offline.
Wilko provides an in-store shopping option on its product pages.
It promotes convenience and ease of product discovery as 75% of customers prefer in-store shopping when the product is high-priced, 49% examine the quality, and 42% prefer due to instant ownership.
Why it works
Pro Tip — Offering better in-store discounts is an incentive that helps increase customer footfall
Think omnichannel is expensive? Check out How to go Omnichannel on a Budget (Strategies + Case Studies)
In a make-believe world, trusting products meant for your loved ones and their well-being can be quite difficult.
Winning the customer’s trust is half the battle won. MountainDog uses trust signals in its product pages to convince customers.
With Rated Excellent on Trustpilot and and along with expert advice, easy returns, and free delivery, Mountain Dog is using these trust signals to persuade customers.
Why it works
Pro Tip — Mentioning an association or regulatory body logos serves as the highest form of approval
Every customer’s nightmare before trying a skin care product is suffering severe acne, rash, or even worse.
What’s the one thing you can come up with to put customer objections to rest?
Pai Skincare displays trust badges on its product pages from certified and recognized organizations.
With trust seals approving the product claims such as Vegan friendly, animal cruelty-free, soil and eco-friendly products, Pai makes sure to address all customer objections.
Why it works
Pro Tip — Offering a free consultation for skin care products helps customers in product discovery
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Making customers keep coming back for more is a long-haul game. It takes more than discounts to make customers loyal.
Red Post Equestrian offers reward points for customers on the purchase of a product. It is an effective move since 77% of British customers are members of at least one loyalty program.
Why it works
Pro Tip — Including fewer form fields can increase signups to your eCommerce loyalty rewards program
First-time life experiences can make humans develop cold feet which is completely natural.
With last-minute jitters gripping first-time parents, Monica and Andy make parenting a little more organized with their registry.
Monica and Andy are making customers' lives easier. It offers tailor made recommendations, personalization options for the registry, allowing customers to add items from any of their physical stores to the registry.
Why it works
Pro Tip — Create an ‘Add to Wishlist’ option to help customers create a personalized list they can purchase later
Unlike hidden treasure, hidden costs aren’t something that makes customers excited.
48% of customers abandon their carts because additional costs like shipping and tax are high.
Naturecan, a UK skincare and beauty brand reveals the taxes and shipping costs that will be calculated during checkout.
Why it works
Pro Tip — Adding a third-party endorsement sends greater signals as it contains a qualification process and procedure
If there’s one thing that never fails to captivate is the allure of images. Images can tell stories and may end wars (Well, maybe not!)
Visuals have a special importance in marketing as 65% of the world’s population are visual learners. Meaning, they learn better through images than through other mediums.
Punchy seems to have figured this out as it makes its product page a color landscape.
The product images are of high quality while the colors make it even more appealing. 67% of customers prefer high-quality visuals over product descriptions and ratings.
Why it works
Pro Tip — Display UGC content on your product page to increase conversions by 28%
Customers find selecting the right size tricky if not difficult while shopping online. With size guides needing more improvement, Lagatta has made a simple yet genius hack.
It displays three different models of different heights as a reference to facilitate decision-making.
Why it works
Pro Tip — Use limited edition color swatches as a visual cue to imply more options