Email Marketing

35 Thanksgiving Email Examples For 2025 (eCommerce)

November 18, 2024
written by humans
35 Thanksgiving Email Examples For 2025 (eCommerce)

The US eCommerce raked in a whopping $7.5 billion on Thanksgiving last year. 

While you might be tempted to prepare your site, emails occupy a significant part of your Thanksgiving campaigns. 

If you’re unsure of what works, we’ve compiled a list of 35 Thanksgiving emails that will give you ideas to work with.

Alongside, we'll also be covering:

15 Best Thanksgiving Email Subject Lines 

Top 5 Strategies For Your Thanksgiving Email Campaign

When Should Stores Send Thanksgiving Emails?

How to Write Thanksgiving Email Copy To Win Customers

Shall we get started then?

35 Inspiring Thanksgiving Emails For Higher Conversions

1. Shopremi—Trigger loss aversion with Thanksgiving discounts

Subject Line: Do this before holiday craziness sets in

eCommerce Thanksgiving email example from Shopremi

Remi offers 35% off on its custom night guards invoking “loss aversion”—a feeling where the fear of losing is twice as powerful as the pleasure of gaining. 

The copy first grabs attention by quoting Holiday craziness, arouses interest by painting a peaceful picture of less stress, drives desire by stating impressions, and finally incites action. 

The above example uses the AIDA copywriting technique that you too may want in your Thanksgiving email.

What stands out 

Whitespace: Whitespace in the email improves readability by giving a visual pause to the reader. 

CTA repetition: Using the same CTA twice can immediately improve CTOR.

2. Big Blanket Co—Count it down to Thanksgiving

Subject Line: Countdown to nap time → 

eCommerce Thanksgiving email example from Blg Blanket Co

Adding a countdown timer to your email can boost your conversion rate by 400%. 

The copy describes the end of Thanksgiving and the beginning of winter, making a compelling introduction of the blankets. The hero image is a visual aid supplementing the copy. 

The highlight is the description of the blanket—reflects craftsmanship, and wins trust!

What stands out 

Witty copy: Using adjectives (biggest, best) alongside highlighting facts (10’ x 10”, 4-way stretch) activates the senses, helping to hook the reader’s attention.

3. Flyby—Reinforce the power of Turkey Day savings

Subject Line: Drinksgiving Is Coming! 25% Off Recovery 🍻

eCommerce Thanksgiving email example from Flyby

Flyby brings in the anchoring bias by displaying 25% in the subject line. Anchoring Bias refers to the human tendency to base decisions on the very first piece of information. 

The copy harps on the problem and offers a solution to a major problem—hangover

What stands out 

Promo code: Offering promo codes increases oxytocin levels by 38% and happiness levels by 11%, leading to higher conversion rates. 

Social proof: Include testimonials in your emails as 88% of customers trust user reviews on par with personal recommendations. 

4. Nom Nom—Upgrade first-timer discounts for Thanksgiving

Subject Line: —Thanksgiving's yays and nays

eCommerce Thanksgiving email example from Nom Nom

Nom Nom offers 50% off for first-time customers in this Thanksgiving email. 80% of customers feel encouraged to make a first-time purchase from a brand if offered a discount or offer. 

This Thanksgiving email gets two things right—the hero image and conversational copy. 

It addresses a pressing issue nudging users to take action. It targets the right emotions and educates dog parents about safe foods for dogs. 

What stands out

CTA color: Using a red color CTA button creates contrast while communicating urgency leading to higher CTR. 

5. Modern Citizen—Keep ‘em on their toes with a Thanksgiving flash sale 

Subject Line: Our first Thanksgiving Flash Sale starts now 

eCommerce Thanksgiving email example from Modern Citizen

Modern Citizen holds a Thanksgiving flash sale offering up to 60% off. Flash sales are effective in building a sense of urgency plus scarcity since it's a limited-time promotion. 

Flash sales emails have their benefits—56% of brands receive a higher click-to-open rate compared to the annual rate. Thanksgiving flash sales could be a win-win since 50% purchases happen during the first hour itself. 

Before running your Thanksgiving flash sales, you might want to think of the:

  • Duration—a 3-hour flash sale, for example, has a 14% transaction rate
  • Exclusivity—for example, you could unlock early Thanksgiving sale access to loyalty program members, showing it as a sign of gratitude

What stands out 

Price badge: Using price badges such as “upto 60% off” in emails helps you highlight price reduction. 

You might like: eCommerce Marketing Strategies (and Brilliant Examples) for Thanksgiving

6. Mitchell & Ness—Offer a sitewide sale for Thanksgiving


eCommerce Thanksgiving email example from Mitchell & Ness

Mitchell & Ness comes up with an early Thanksgiving sale offering 30% off sitewide. Sitewide sales increase the perceived value of the product while lowering risk aversion. 

It’s a great practice to mention the items excluded from the sale. 

What stands out 

Visual hierarchy: Using a single color to highlight two important elements establishes visual hierarchy. 

Also read: 25 Email Marketing Tips to Increase Sales (+ Amazing Examples)

7. Loeffler Randall—Use the three magic words 

Subject line: This gift is to thank you

eCommerce Thanksgiving email example from Loeffler Randall giving early access

And by “three magic words,” we mean “before anyone else.”

While this may sound minor, shoppers may more personally relate to such a phrase as compared to “early access.”

The highlight on free shipping and returns for domestic orders is just the extra icing on the cake in this Thanksgiving email. 

What stands out 

Account creation nudge: Growing your email list with such nudges can actually improve your micro-conversions over a period of time. 

Also read: 28 No-BS Ways To Get More Email Subscribers in eCommerce

8. Color & Co—Take the customization route 

Subject Line: Rose Gold, Mahogany, Chestnut… Find your perfect Thanksgiving shade 

eCommerce Thanksgiving email example from Color & Co

Color & Co lets customers create a custom shade for themselves in this Thanksgiving email. Customization encourages customers to pay a 20% premium, a Deloitte study revealed. 

Consider offering a reference for customers to evaluate in your Thanksgiving emails. Images showcasing what you’re promoting often come in handy. 

What stands out

80/20 rule: Whenever you create emails, make sure 80% of your content is text and 20% image.

9. Jarbo—Send back-in-stock emails for Thanksgiving gifts

Subject Line: Our Pre-Thanksgiving Gift is back in-stock!

eCommerce Thanksgiving email example from Jarbo

Jarbo sends out a back-in-stock email with a pre-thanksgiving gift. If you weren’t aware, back-in-stock emails enjoy an open rate of 65.32%, the highest among mainstream email campaigns.

In the above copy, the brand emphasizes $300 OFF to encourage customers to buy a high-consideration product—expensive items that require significant money and time. 

What stands out 

Product image: You would want to feature product images that offer a front/back view for customers to make an informed decision. Surprisingly, 22% of returns happen because the product shipped looked different from the image. 

10. Ninja Kitchen—Encourage spending with tiered discounts 

Subject Line: Thanksgiving Sale: Even more to be thankful for.

eCommerce Thanksgiving email example from Ninja Kitchen

Ninja Kitchen offers tiered discounts for its Thanksgiving sales. Tiered discounts nudge customers to spend more, increasing AOV. Not to forget, it helps reduce your unit costs such as shipping and packaging, when you sell in bulk. 

What stands out 

Simple design: Emails that are easy to read and optimized for mobile devices have higher conversion rates.

11. Shapermint—Be the Thanksgiving stylist 

Subject Line: Ultimate Control Leggings

eCommerce Thanksgiving email example from Shapermint

Shapermint gets creative with its Thanksgiving Outfit Inspo email. Offering styling tips demonstrates authority, increasing the inclination to follow the advice of legitimate experts. 

With the copy, Shapermint is communicating the convenience the leggings offer however small the celebration might be.

This brilliantly captures the perceived value of the product. 

What stands out  

Suggestive cue: A suggestive cue involves a person looking subtly, driving the user’s attention to an area of importance. Use this to drive attention to a CTA. 

Don't forget to read: Top eCommerce Email Marketing Trends For 2025

12. The Pros Closet—Make a compelling end-of-season sale

Subject line: End of season sale

Thanksgiving end-of-season sale email

The Pro’s Closet is running a Thanksgiving end-of-season sale offering $1000 off on pre-owned bikes. Although the offer applies to pre-owned bikes, the brand is known to sell expensive bikes.

Highly-involvement products require huge money and have an inherent risk to your customers. A dollar-off discount plus 200 bikes to choose from offers freedom of choice. This is a takeaway for you, if you sell higher-priced items.

What stands out 

Blog: Including blog posts in your Thanksgiving emails can help educate customers and engage them through each stage of the funnel

13. Evereve—Offer great budget fits for Thanksgiving plans

Subject line: What you need for a cozy Thanksgiving

eCommerce Thanksgiving email example from Evereve

Evereve offers sweaters under $100 for its Thanksgiving sales. If you’re planning to drive revenue selling products at a reduced price, the copy must outline the value plus ways it can be of help to the customer. 

Another lesson you might want to note is using the right context. November marks the start of colder temperatures in the USA hovering around 10 to 18 °C. A brilliant time to sell warm clothes or any other product that pairs well with the cold. 

What stands out 

Explicit cues: Explicit cues such as arrows and pointers point take visitor attention to important elements in the email like an image or CTA. 

14. Cult Gaia—Offer the next best shipping option 


eCommerce Thanksgiving email example from Cult Gaia

Cult Gaia offers free 2-day express shipping for orders over $400. Customers want to buy products before there’s a stock out so much so that 40% of customers are willing to pay for 2-day shipping.  

An important takeaway is to offer free shipping on a minimum AOV, so it pays for your shipping costs and related expenses. 

What stands out

Above the fold: Always mention the prime topic of your emails in the above-the-fold portion of your emails. And this isn’t limited to webpages, but emails as well, since recipients spend 57% of their viewing time above the fold. 

15. NatureWise—Offer jaw-dropping limited-time offers 

Subject line: Feel your best this Thanksgiving.

eCommerce Thanksgiving email example from NatureWise

NatureWise offers a limited-time offer selling their probiotics collection at 20% off. The copy reinforces urgency, driving attention to the problem (gut health), and pushing users to commit. 

What stands out 

Uppercase: Write your headline in uppercase to grab attention. This kindles an interest for shoppers to read further. 

16. TLF Apparel—Nudge them with relevant content 

Subject line: Maximize Thanksgiving For Muscle Not Fat 💪

eCommerce Thanksgiving email example from TLF Apparel

TLF Apparel uses its content to build website traffic. It addresses a pertinent problem—post-holiday weight gain. You can learn four important practices to make Thanksgiving email content stand out: 

  • Write a headline that questions prevalent knowledge
  • Make a statement and back it up with facts and science
  • Underline what your readers will learn and who this info is for 
  • Give a sneak peek of what users will learn and how they can apply it

What stands out 

Single-column layout: Emails using a single-column layout naturally adapt well on mobile devices making readability easier.

17. Tracksmith—Feature a limited-edition Thanksgiving product

Subject line: Winner, Winner Turkey Dinner

eCommerce Thanksgiving email example from Tracksmith

Tracksmith releases a limited edition apparel for the Thanksgiving turkey trot. You would be amazed to know that limited edition products find takers among Gen Z (46%) and Millennials (45%). Thanks to the exclusivity it offers, 31% of customers don’t mind shelling out more for limited edition products. 

What stands out 

Relevancy: Associating yourself with a Thanksgiving tradition such as Turkey trot helps find better user engagement among your target audience.

18. Stitch Fix—Leverage a product recommendation quiz

Subject line: Look Your Best This Thanksgiving

eCommerce Thanksgiving email example from Stitch Fix

Product recommendation quizzes like the one Stitch Fix offers in their Thanksgiving email help educate customers. They help in product discovery while offering customers personalized recommendations, a tip you might want to include in your emails. 

What’s more fascinating is that interactive content such as quizzes convert twice as much as static content. Finally, it’s 40x more likely for users to share such content. 

What stands out 

Question: Starting your copy with a question stimulates the brain and it can’t think of anything else other than answering the question in the moment. This heightened focus often has a bearing on better conversions. 

19. Hydro Flask—Attract shoppers with ‘gift’ bundles

Subject line: For the bubbly person on your list 

Thanksgiving email featuring bundles

Hydro Flask brings out its Thanksgiving gift set to attract value-conscious customers. Not only is the bundle on offer the perfect gift, but, bundling a primary product with complementary items increases the perceived value of the product bundle

The copy communicates the context, benefits, and USP persuading customers in a conversational tone. 

What stands out 

Color palette: Implement the 60-30-10 rule to create harmony and contrast in your emails. 

60% should be the dominant color (pink in the above example), 30% should be a complementary color supporting the dominant color (black), and 10% is your accent color (maroon) balancing the first two. 

20. Prospective Flow—Convey thanks through a giveaway 

Subject line: Thanksgiving Giveaway Campaign Pt.2

Thanksgiving giveaway email campaign

Prospective Flow is running a Thanksgiving giveaway for the first 30 customers. You’ll want to note that the email specifies the minimum purchase amount required to participate in the giveaway. 

Notice that this email drives transparency and credibility, immediately earning customer trust. 

What stands out 

White background: Images with a white background help users focus on the product without distracting users. 

21. Postmates—Create an engaging narrative

Subject line: Reminder: $25 Delivery Fee Credit

eCommerce Thanksgiving email example from Postmates

While the email’s subject line draws in the loyalist with $25 delivery fee credit, the email body draws up an unforgettable narrative—of escaping an uncomfy family situation to eat pumpkin pie on one’s own couch!

Because the financial particulars are written in bold, shoppers feel more inclined to read the story in microcopy

What stands out

Crisp headline: It’s the headline that prompts shoppers to read what’s written in the email body—don’t underestimate its power!

22. Anthropologie—Introduce a sense of community

Subject line: The Thanksgiving Table

Anthropologie Thanksgiving greeting email

A good speech is heartwarming—now bring that into your Thanksgiving email and build a sense of community. 

That’s the takeaway Anthropologie offers us by getting creative with how they say thanks!

What stands out

Gift recommendations: Given that the gift-giving trend rose by 63% during the global pandemic, your Thanksgiving email is a good opportunity for such product recommendations. 

23. Boot Barn—Show your community

Subject Line: We're Thankful for You, {full name}

Thanksgiving email example from Boot Barn featuring UGC

What’s better than a great wish? Celebrating the community – like Boot Barn’s Thanksgiving email does, by featuring user-generated content.

User-generated content not only builds trust with social proof – but also helps increase the chances of conversion. 

As an eCommerce brand, you can modify this Thanksgiving email template to win back existing shoppers. All you need to do is add how long a subscriber has been a part of the brand and throw in a personalized incentive (like a gift or a coupon code).

What stands out

The sync between the copy and the photos: Note how they combine to showcase Boot Barn’s commitment to freedom and its community (props to the subtle product placement and the Wild West vibe).

Keeping to promises: Shows their store is shut to accommodate employees celebrating the holiday – but reminds that they open on Black Friday at 7:00 AM sharp.

Also read: 27 Brilliant User-Generated Content Examples (eCommerce)

24. My Panier—Do a Thanksgiving twist on referrals

Subject line: We appreciate you 🧡 Get a free $10 gift card today

My Panier has a classy way of asking for a referral

How do you ask for referrals in Thanksgiving emails? Take inspiration from My Panier’s Thanksgiving referral email example.

Instead of directly asking for referrals or offering a discount, they show their gratitude with a $10 gift card.

What stands out

Usage of priming: A quick explanation of priming is: leaving certain triggers to get a subscriber to complete an action. Here they use foreshadowing – showing how to check out (that too with a filled-in checkout page).

Also read: eCommerce Referral Email: 10 Examples That Really Work

25. Tobacco Motorwear—Do a roundup on Thanksgiving

Subject line: Tobacco's Turkey Day tradition

Tobacco Motorwear sends a round-up of their team and founder in this Thanksgiving newsletter

True (and authentic) gratitude comes from humility. This is what Tobacco Motorwear’s newsletter proves with a personal note from its founder. 

If you’re looking for ideas for your Thanksgiving newsletter, start with what’s going on with you, show the team, and talk about who they are, and their plans for Thanksgiving.

What stands out

Foreshadowing: Teases upcoming brand collabs as well as tech upgrades – note the “P.S” and “hint.”

Authenticity: Doesn’t feel written by an A.I., the copy itself is human, filled with real insights.

Also read: eCommerce Newsletter: 20 Ways To Stand Out And Actually Drive Sales

26. Larissa Loden—Help brace for Thanksgiving dinners

Subject line: Meet the family 🦃

Larissa Lode helps brace for Thanksgiving dinners with the family

Not all Thanksgiving emails have to be serious – if your brand voice allows it, some can have a whole personality as Larrissa Loden’s email does.

What stands out

Relatability: Giving kooky ideas, the true USP of this email comes out as it introduces the usual characters at a Thanksgiving dinner.

The kooky product placement: Instead of writing boring descriptions, LL pairs a personality to each recommendation – while subtly reminding that there’s a discount till Friday.

27. Milk—Walk them around a Thanksgiving day

Subject line: Snacking season.

Milk shows the day on Thanksgiving in their email

Thanksgiving is all about big meals – so much so, that people forget to grab a snack. Milk Bar shows how their product range can become the ideal partner for ‘Snacking Season’ on Thanksgiving day.

What stands out

Something for everyone: There’s a product recommendation for every kind of subscriber – the cookies for the Parade watcher, or the care package with free shipping for the ‘wanna stay at home and skip the feast.’

28. Zenni—Settle a Thanksgiving debate

Subject line: Which Side Are You On? 👀 🥧

Zenni asks to choose a side on Thanksgiving foods

Everyone has their favorites – be it pumpkin or apple pie. Zenni simply pairs its discounts with Thanksgiving favorites to show that there’s always an option – and that there’s no wrong answer.

What stands out

The subject line: Asking a question helps pique curiosity and drive up the open rate.

Trust elements: Note the Trustpilot reviews in the footer and the BNPL payment payment option.

29. Laird Superfoods—Show them how you’re giving back on Thanksgiving

Subject Line: 25% plus a special give back today only

Laird Superfood shows how to give back on Thanksgiving with a cause

Giving back has its own flavor – this is what Laird Superfood’s Thanksgiving email is about. Showing a cause in your Thanksgiving emails not only helps cement your authenticity – but is also an excellent way to drum up revenue.

If you’re supporting a particular cause during Thanksgiving, consider showing a progress bar across your drip. 

What stands out

The tips: Each product recommendation and ‘pro tip’ shows Laird Superfood’s knowledge and expertise regarding the cause and the holiday.

30. We’re Not Really Strangers—Ask them to forward a wish

Subject line: fwd to someone you're grateful for today

Sending a super short wish in a Thanksgiving email

Thanksgiving can be particularly stressful and hard on some people – which is exactly what the brand We’re Not Really Strangers keeps in mind. 

Instead of writing a whole lot of words, this Thanksgiving email hits home – and builds shares through its subject line and message. 

What stands out

Avoids spam: Doesn’t mention anything about deals or anything promotional – making sure that the email doesn’t get marked as ‘promotion.’

The CTR: The body text shows a pain point (like “Overthinking their gift”) – and leaves a tease (“We have a guide”) to drive clicks.

31. Supergut—Send a super-helpful Thanksgiving checklist 

Subject line: 5 tips for a healthier Thanksgiving 🦃

Thanksgiving email example of a checklist newsletter for Thanksgiving

“Thanksgiving ain't easy on the gut”—Supergut’s Thanksgiving email. 

What you can take away from this email is: try checking which aspect of your product fits with Turkey Day – for example, ‘adding fiber to diet’ to avoid becoming a ‘Macy’s Day parade balloon’ is what this email expands on.

What stands out

The formatting: Like a blog with clear headlines – starts with the proof, shows the tips, and ends with the offer. 

32. Know Seafood—Start a new tradition with a BOGO

Subject line: ENDS AT MIDNIGHT! SAVE $30 Twin Pack Lobster Tails - BOGO!

Know Seafood asks to include Lobster in the thanksgiving dinner

With Turkey prices sky high, lobster on Thanksgiving – that too, with BOGO smells like the start of a new tradition. 

The key takeaway? If you're upselling, take inspiration from Know Seafood shows how the deal and the product fits in – with intelligent storytelling.

What stands out

The tone: Maintains a suggestive tone instead of going fully promotional.

The timing: Sent on November 13 (a good 10 days before Thanksgiving) – this email gently reminds a subscriber that the time to order is at hand – to get the package in time for Thanksgiving.

33. Body Candy—Host a Friendsgiving 

Subject line: You have $10 from a friend...

Body Candy hosts a Friendsgiving in this email by partnering with an influencer as the mascot

Marketing to younger audiences on your Thanksgiving email marketing campaigns? Change the Thanksgiving to a Friendsgiving campaign (Thanksgiving, but with friends) like Body Candy does as they launch their Holiday collection. 

For Friendsgiving, you should change the tone and instead offer more exclusive benefits like 2X points on particular days – or re-engage shoppers who haven't bought anything in a while. 

 What stands out 

The Barnum Effect: Making the subscriber feel the email is personalized to their choices and is actually offering exclusivity

Also read: Influencer Marketing 101: Step-by-Step Strategy For eCommerce Store Owners

34. Pourri—Ask how they’re doing after Thanksgiving

Subject line: It's time for the post-stuffing STOCK UP 🏆

Pourri asks shoppers how they're doing after Thanksgiving

The biggest problem with Thanksgiving email marketing is that the ending is the starting point of Black Friday. 

Pourri solves this as they send this hilarious last chance Thanksgiving email on the morning after Thanksgiving (7:29AM), so subscribers wake to  the email. 

What stands out

The structure: Starts with a pain point, shows a massive deal, and leaves two super solid incentives (free gifts and a giveaway) to close the deal. 

35. Huckberry—Start a #thanksgiving challenge

Subject Line: Read This Once the Turkey Settles

Huckberry starts a challenge in this post-Thanksgiving email

Huckberry not only starts its own traditions like Know Seafood – but also shows subscribers it's serious about the post-Thanksgiving workout – as it asks for tags on Instagram. 

This shows subscribers that the workout isn't just some promotion – as there's a reward and a chance to tag the author of the book, mentioned in the email.

What stands out

Merges into the BFCM: Thanksgiving must end for the deals to come in – but only a few brands do it as smoothly as Huckleberry does. 

15 Best Thanksgiving Email Subject Lines 

1. Thanks to you, the magic is unfolding…

2. The Thanksgiving 50% off Countdown starts TODAY!

3. Give thanks to get thanks—exclusive discount for loyalists!

4. 50% off ‘cuz you’re sweeter than pie!

5. Here’s your Early Access Discount, Thanks to you!

6. Pre-Thanksgiving Sale: See why it’ll just get better!

7. Extending our Pre-Thanksgiving Sale—Last 3 hours!

8. Here’s 60%OFF your Thanksgiving stress

9. Here’s a list of Thanksgiving Bestsellers

10. Last Day to Order & Get by Thanksgiving

11. A Special Thank You with 30% off Storewide

12. Your Tur’key’ to Great Thanksgiving Vibes!

13. Sneak Peek into Your Best Thanksgiving Ever!

14. The Great 70% Today-Only Thanksgiving Sale

15. 60% OFF—Gobble Up & Say Thanks!

Top 5 Strategies For Your Thanksgiving Email Campaign

While planning for your Thanksgiving email campaign, there are a few top areas you’ll need to focus on—here are 5 that we’ve found to be super relevant:

1. Get specific about your US customers

Officially speaking, Liberia is the only country other than the US that celebrates Thanksgiving. 

And that means you’ll have to segment your emails and your website content based on specific locations in the US. 

Offering content based on certain local traditions and rituals can make shopper interest turn into conversions at this time of the year. 

2. Line up rewards for the most loyal customers

Two important factors that impact customer loyalty greatly can be in your favor during Thanksgiving: price and personalization

And because of this, your Thanksgiving emails need to target customers who’ve already been buying frequently from you. 

While you may offer up to 20% off to new customers at this time, reserve the steeper discounts for those who’re likely to buy more when they see such a discount. 

3. Make your content include more than deals

Discounts are undeniably great. 

But during Thanksgiving, shoppers are also looking for great ideas, whether around gifts, styling or recipes. 

If you’re able to tie up your offerings with value-add content like this, your conversions are more likely to grow. 

4. Find ways for shoppers to ”give back”

During Thanksgiving, the chief emotion is naturally gratitude. 

To intensify this, become a brand that aims to “give back” to the community and helps its shoppers do so as well. 

Our suggestion: Create a “give back” email, listing out the ways shoppers can “give back” if they buy from you, including a donation at checkout, two or three causes that can be checked on the cart page for donations, or an amount that you’ll give away every time they share the email you sent. 

5. Make your emails read like a story

Everybody says “Give Thanks!”—the question is how you’re going to say it differently. 

We’ve noticed clients that do exceedingly well at this time are those who take the story path in their emails—either by highlighting the story of a product, the story of an event, or the story of a person whose life “giving back” touched. 

When Should Stores Send Thanksgiving Emails?

Start sending your emails in the first week of November. NRF reports reveal that 60% of customers start searching online in early November. Before you hit send on your Thanksgiving emails, remember: 

  • Higher sends lead to higher unsubscribe rates 
  • Test your Thanksgiving subject lines using a subject line tester 
  • The best time to send Thanksgiving emails is determined by the behavior of your target audience, including day and time—if you record more opens and click through on Monday and Wednesday between 3 to 4 PM, that’s the best time
  • Send your email blasts at 10 AM—the best proven time according to 10 case studies 

Here's an example of a Thanksgiving email flow, that we recommend:

🕖15 to 20 days before Thanksgiving → Look-book/Ideas for Thanksgiving → 🕖10 to 12 days before Thanksgiving → Deals (BOGO, Sitewide) → 🕖3 to 5 days before Thanksgiving → Guide to Thanksgiving (+ Gift Cards) → 🕖 12 hrs → Countdown to Thanksgiving (+ Last Minute Tips → 🕛00:00 → Wish → 🕖8 to 10 hrs after Thanksgiving → Last Chance (for certain bundles)/Send us Photos

Remember to personalize your emails for your repeat customers based on their browsing history. 96% of brands that use personalization taste email marketing success. This includes 29% higher unique open rates and a remarkable 41% unique click rates. 

How To Write Thanksgiving Email Copy To Win Customers

All great Thanksgiving emails have one thing in common: brilliant copy. Here’s what you need to do to come up with yours:

1. Highlight the emotions of the season

If your Thanksgiving email copy can’t reflect the mood of the average shopper, that can be a problem. 

Generally, people are super stoked at this time to celebrate with loved ones and look forward to the unfolding of the rest of the holiday season. 

Words that can create an instant emotional connect:

Memories. Treat. Wishes. Express. Thankful. Appreciate. Gobble. Celebrate. Share. 

2. Create anticipation

A hint of what’s to come next can also prep recipients with an extra shot of energy. 

While not many businesses speak about Black Friday / Cyber Monday, gearing your readers for these events in your copy through cues can build up the excitement. 

3. Make it all about “giving”

Whether it’s about you giving them a 25% off or them gifting their loved ones with your recommendations, ensure your copy covers the fullness of “giving” and “giving back.”

When you combine this with the principle of urgency, it can instantly make people convert. 

In your copy, highlight a limited time code for a discount or say that this is the “last friends & family sale of the year.”

4. Keep the design visually simple

Most subscribers have already been bombarded with hundreds of emails ever since Halloween started. So, the subject line with the most number of emojis may not get the opens. 

Instead, the one hitting the pain point – may just get opened.

Example: "worried about B.O. on the dinner table 👃

Once in, your job is to not impress them, but rather make them think, why the product fits into Thanksgiving. After all, the buying decision doesn’t happen in the email – your job is to spark the light. 

For example, if it’s about deodorants, you could simply tag in a video of an employee. Show how thankful they are that the product exists – how the odor doesn’t overpower the smell of food – and above all stops Uncle Jack from passing his usual “I would rather smell the snail” comment.

Also read: eCommerce Email Design: 25 Beautiful Examples (& Why They Drive Sales)

Recommended reading:

23 Christmas Email Examples & Templates for eCommerce (2025)

35 Slightly Different Black Friday Emails (That Actually Get Attention)

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How often should eCommerce stores send marketing emails?

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