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Buy Box

Buy Box

Buy Box refers to the white box where customers can add products to their cart for purchase. It is present on the right side of the product detail page. Amazon uses this Buy box to create a stiff competition where only business with high seller metrics gets to win this. As 82% of its sales go through the buy box, it becomes extremely important for the business to beat its competitors and win a chance at this.

How the Buy Box works

Buy Box is not assigned to a single seller, rather it is shared between multiple sellers. The goal of the Buy Box is to provide the best shopping experience to the customers by ensuring that the sellers meet the performance-based criteria to be eligible for competing for the Buy Box share.

Requirements to be Buy Box eligible

  1. You need to have a professional seller account.
  2. Check your Buy Box eligibility status in Amazon Seller Central.
  3. The product you display should be new.
  4. Make sure that the items are available in your inventory, else the Buy Box will rotate to some other buyer.

Key Metrics that have the highest Buy Box impact

  • Amazon has perfect metrics for its fulfillment service. Therefore using Fulfillment Service by Amazon can really increase your chances of winning the Buy Box.
  • If you have higher performance metrics than your competitors, then you can also retain your share of the buy box and price higher.
  • If the total price that your product goes for, including the sale, is low, then you have a greater chance of getting the Buy Box share.
  • The shipping time also plays an important role. The faster the shipping, the greater the chance of getting a Buy Box share.

Importance of Buy Box

Getting your share of Buy Box ensures increased product sales. The same product may be sold by your competitors in the marketplace. All new products sold by the merchants will show on the product page and compete for the Buy Box.

Sellers with high standards of performance will eventually win and the customers will add the product to their cart using that white box.

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