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Product Page Optimization

Product Page Optimization

A product page that has been designed such that it is not only found by search engines but also to convert browsers into purchasers. Your e-commerce firm will benefit substantially from search engine optimization, especially if market competition is fierce. The ultimate goal of product page optimization is to appear in the top results of any major search engine.

There are a few ways to optimize these pages for better search results:

  • Use high-quality images to sell products
  • Add more than one image
  • Include keywords relating to the product in the page's title tags and product descriptions
  • Share testimonials and customer reviews
  • Make sure image spacing is good so things aren't too disarranged
  • Incorporate video descriptions and views
  • Consistent branding and logo placement

Easy Ways to Optimize Product Pages

  1. Keyword Research- Finding new terms that apply to your product is critical since you're broadening the pool of terms that could drive visitors to your product pages. To avoid delivering unqualified or non-converting visitors to your product pages, these terms must be highly related to the product you offer. You should avoid using negative phrases as this leads to a drop in page visits because the major features that Google considers while ranking websites are page visits, visit time, and bounce. You should limit yourself to highly relevant terms when conducting keyword research to avoid affecting engagement numbers. 
  2. Custom Product Copy- This step in the eCommerce website optimization process is crucial because it allows you to write content that will not only help search engines understand the page, but will also provide a unique value to the user when compared to your competitors, who will most likely use manufacturer product descriptions. You should put the benefits of the product first, and then the features. This is the most effective content arrangement. These products' copy does not need to fulfill a certain word count and should instead be written in the simplest format possible while still expressing the product's benefits and characteristics.
  3. List of features- Because not all online buyers read the product description that explains a product's benefits and characteristics, it's important to have product information that the users can quickly read. The simplest way to communicate product information is to write out the features in a bulleted list, which also serves as a product feature recap for those who do read the written product description.
  4. Product Reviews- These are necessary for increasing the conversion rate of your eCommerce website. Consumer reviews are far more effective than manufacturer or store reviews in delivering product feedback because they allow people to acquire information about the product from people they trust more than manufacturer or retail reviews. When combined with a written assessment of the product, reviews with a star rating are generally the most compelling. 
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