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If we go by the literal meaning of the word Session, it means "time spent doing a particular activity or task". But, when we talk about a Session in terms of eCommerce, it refers to the group of user interactions that your website has within a given time interval. Think of it like this, if a buyer visits a cloth store, it could be called a session. The entire process looks like this -
A single user can visit your website for multiple sessions on the same day, or over several days, weeks, or months. As soon as one session ends, the gateway to a new session opens up. However, there are two ways through which a session ends:
Another thing you must know is that Pages per Session can be used as a measure of the visitors’ engagement level of your eCommerce website.
Your audience’s pages per session are the average number of pages or posts users view during visits. The concept of Bounces means when visitors leave your website without clicking anywhere else, meaning they view only one page in that particular session is closely related to the concept of Pages per Session.
How can you improve the Pages per Session of your eCommerce website?
You can use Google Analytics to gain insights into the sessions of your eCommerce website.