
Holiday Growth Hacks for eComm Founders

Planning to run the same sale as last year for this holiday season? Think again.

Consumers across all income bands are more frugal this year.

Many store owners are wondering, “how do we get attention in a crowded market?”

Thinking like a brand will go a long way—persuasive copywriting, storytelling, compelling offers, and brilliant design.

And this is what our session is about:

👉 Smart ways to get shoppers’ attention during the holidays

👉 How to use persuasion to turn that attention into revenue $$

I’m also going to show you:

1. Landing pages that convert at 20%

2. Email copy/design that stands out even during holidays

3. Banners/pop-ups that get 2X the engagement

4. Season-only product bundles that sell like hot cakes

5. Brilliant pricing tactics examples

6. And some legendary copywriting ideas

About the speaker

Shekhar Kapoor

Shekhar Kapoor

VP, Marketing


Shekhar Kapoor (VP at Convertcart) has worked with 500+ online brands, including Squatty Potty, Prep Expert, and USA Hockey Assn., and helped them boost sales exponentially.

Shekhar Kapoor

Shekhar Kapoor

VP, Marketing
