
Improving 8 Most Important eCommerce Metrics (Immediately Actionable Strategies)

It is a common myth that tracking hundreds of ecommerce metrics is enough to achieve success.

The truth is, we should narrow down to the metrics with the most impact: average order value (AOV), customer lifetime value (CLV), customer retention rate, customer acquisition cost (CAC), you get the gist.

Why we’re doing this session: we’ve helped eComm stores for years, learned many lessons in the process - what works/does not work - and this session will be like a summary of our real-life learnings 🙂

We’ll talk about:

  1. Proven ways of improving your key metrics (stuff that is working for our customers as we talk)
  2. Some examples of stores doing really creative stuff to improve their key metrics

About the speaker

Shekhar Kapoor

Shekhar Kapoor

VP, Marketing


Shekhar Kapoor (VP at Convertcart) has worked with 500+ online brands, including Squatty Potty, Prep Expert, and USA Hockey Assn., and helped them boost sales exponentially.

Shekhar Kapoor

Shekhar Kapoor

VP, Marketing


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(stuff that works for hundreds of stores)

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Logan Christopher

Logan Christopher

Lost Empire Herbs