
A repository of acronyms, jargon, and useful definitions perfect for eCommerce founders & marketers like yourself.


301 redirect acts as a continuity tool for your website If you have shifted from your previous web address to a new one.

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404 error pops up when some content from your website has been removed or transferred to some other URL.

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A/A testing involves driving traffic to two pages to see which one performs better.

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A/B testing is when two variants of the same webpage are shown to different segments of website visitors and compared to analyze performance.

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Abandonment is when a visitor on a web page leaves before completing the desired action.

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Above the fold refers to the visible section of the page that doesn’t require much scrolling.

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An address verification service is a system that checks to ensure that the address entered by the customer is registered with major shipping carriers.

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Advertising cost of sale is a metric used to measure the performance of an amazon sponsored ad.

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Affiliate marketing is the process by which an affiliate(Attached to an organization) gets a commission for promoting another company's product.

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Amazon Brand Registry provides the necessary set of tools to help sellers avoid counterfeit issues.

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Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) is a 10 digit alphanumeric code that is used to identify products on amazon.

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A 1p relationship means Amazon acts as the retailer, and you operate as a wholesale supplier to Amazon.

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An API delivers user response to the system and sends the system’s response back to the user.

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Authorization is used to determine if the cardholder has sufficient funds in his account to pay for a given transaction.

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Automated emails are planned emails to be sent to the subscribers at specific time or as a response to the action they performed on your site.

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The Average Transaction Value of your business is the total amount of money spent by your customer in a single transaction.

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Average Order Value is a metric that is used to measure the average total of every order placed with a seller over a specific period of time.

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Average time spent on site is the average duration of time that visitors spend while viewing your website.

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Bottom of the Funnel is where you convert prospects or leads into customers.

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Bounce Rate is the percentage of visitors that leave a webpage without taking any action.

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Brick and click store is a business model where retailers give their customers both an offline and online channel for shopping.

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A Bulk Email Campaign is a marketing method that involves sending mail to multiple recipients and groups at one time.

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Bundling means offering several products for sale by combining them together into a package.

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Business Blogging is a marketing strategy that uses blogging to give online visibility to your business.

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Business to Business refers to a business that takes place between companies, rather than between a company and an individual consumer.

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B2C is the process of selling goods and services directly between a business and consumers who are the end-users of its services.

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Buy Box refers to the white box where customers can add products to their cart for purchase.

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Buy to detail rate is a metric that shows how successful a product page is in converting prospects into actual buyers.

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Buyer personas describe who your ideal customers are, the difficulties they face, how they make decisions, and what their days are like.

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A content management system is a software that allows eCommerce owners to create, manage and modify content without any technical knowledge

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Caching is a technology that enhances the performance of websites by making them load faster.

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Call-To-Action is a button or phrase that tells the user what action to take and how to take it.

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Cart abandonment rate is calculated by dividing the total number of completed transactions by the total number of transactions initiated.

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A chargeback is a form of customer protection where a bank or card company requests a charge from the merchants to be reversed.

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Churn rate is the rate at which customers stop doing business with an entity.

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Click-through rate is used to calculate how frequently people click on an ad, link, or CTA.

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Close-loop marketing is a form of marketing that relies on data and insights.

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Cohort analysis is an important tool to measure engagement over time.

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Content Optimization is the process of making sure your content reaches out to a large target audience.

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A conversion occurs when a visitor to your website completes the desired goal such as filling out a form or making a purchase.

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Conversion funnel refers to the entire channel which a customer takes from landing on the product page to hitting the checkout button.

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A conversion path is a process through which a lead gets attracted to your website and then converts.

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Conversion Rate is the number of visitors to your website that completed a desired action out of the total number of visitors.

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Conversion rate optimization is the process of optimizing your sites based on the visitor's behavior to make them take a desired action

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Cookies are created and designed to save user’s information so that the webserver can deliver a webpage to the specific user.

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Cross-selling is the process of selling a different product or service to a customer to increase the value of a sale.

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Crowdsourcing is the practice of engaging a group of people (crowd) for a common purpose

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Customer Acquisition Cost is the cost of convincing a target customer to buy a product or service.

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The lifetime value of a customer represents the total amount of money a customer is expected to spend on your product or service during a lifetime.

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Customer relationship management is a technology used for managing a company's customer relationships

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Customer retention is the ability of the business to retain its existing customers over a certain period of time.

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The decoy effect is defined as the phenomenon whereby consumers change their preference between two options when presented with a third option.

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Digital Commerce encompasses each and every touchpoint and process that prompts a consumer to make the final purchase.

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Discount codes are combinations of alphabets, numbers and signs that allow customers to avail a cut in price during checkout.

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A website needs a domain name to direct you to their website.

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Dropshipping is the process of sending products directly from your manufacturer to your customers in order to prevent any upfront costs.

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Electronic Books or eBooks as they are popularly known, are books that are published in a digital format.

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eBay is a multinational eCommerce company that gives individuals and businesses a platform to sell their goods and services.

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It is mainly used by bloggers, publishers, influencers, and brands in creating a strategy for their content marketing.

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To send an email you will need an active internet connection and as well as an e-mail address beforehand.

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An email call to action (CTA) is a button or hyperlink text that is used in email marketing.

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Email copy or email copywriting is the text that is written in the body and subject lines of an email.

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It involves directly emailing customers to promote existing products, inform them of new products, offers, etc.

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It is the first thing the recipient will see and read and is usually the deciding factor in whether or not they will open the email.

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Engagement rate refers to the level of interaction that is seen from followers or anyone else who has found your content.

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Content that continues to be fresh for readers despite how long ago it was released.

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The fear of missing out (FOMO) is a psychological phenomenon that refers to the feeling of anxiety felt when one believes that one is missing out

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Favorites icon is generally a 16x16 image that is used to represent your website when it is open on a tab of a web browser

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The marketing flywheel is a model that was developed by HubSpot and proposed as an alternative to the marketing funnel.

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The term Foot-in-the-door refers to a sales technique where in order to get customers to comply with a big request

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Fulfillment involves all the processes that go into the preparation and delivery of an order.

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The GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation was enforced by the European Parliament in April 2016.

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It refers to content that requires the user to first give something in exchange such as fill out a form, subscribe or make a purchase.

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It is one of Amazon’s internal metrics that are used by sellers on Amazon to track their performance. 

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Google Analytics is a web analytics service that helps businesses to collect, track and analyze their data

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Gross profit is arrived at by subtracting the total revenue of the company from the cost of goods sold.

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Growth Hacking refers to business strategies that are geared solely towards growth.

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HTML stands for HyperText Markup language, it is the code that is used to create the structure of a webpage and the content it contains.

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Hashtags are used as a label that groups like content together on social media platforms.

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Headless eCommerce is when the front end and the back end are separated in an eCommerce application.

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It is the default page of a website that a user lands on when they load the URL.

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Hyperlocals are businesses that focus on catering to a smaller community or geographical area.

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leads that initiate contact with the business directly as opposed to outbound leads which are obtained through proactive measures taken by the company

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Inbound Links are links that were used on other web pages that lead back to your website. Another commonly used term for inbound links is backlinks

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Inbound marketing focuses on attracting customers to the businesses rather than seeking out and approaching customers to sell products or services.

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Visual tools that give an easy explanation of a topic. It uses various forms of imagery, charts, graphics.

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Instagram is a social networking service that was launched in October 2010, for people to share pictures and videos online.

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AI-driven system used by eCommerce businesses to offer their shoppers better product recommendations based on their past purchases and behavior

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Inventory is the total quantity of stock that the business owns.

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JavaScript or JS is a dynamic programming language that is used to develop website content and it is one of the core technologies of the World Wide Web.

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Just-in-time manufacturing is a system that involves only placing orders for raw materials when the orders are placed by a customer

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Key performance indicators are the measures of performance that are most relevant to the goals and objectives of a business.

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Keywords are specific words or phrases that people use to find what they are looking for when browsing on the internet.

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Keyword stuffing is a term used when a website or page uses an excessive amount of keywords in an attempt to boost the site’s ranking on the search engine.

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Keyword variation, as the name suggests, is when variations of a keyword are used in order to extend the reach of a particular keyword.

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A landing page is the one where a visitor lands after they click on an ad from Facebook, Google, link in an email, or anywhere else on the web.

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To put it out simply, a lead is a person or an organization with an interest in what you are selling.

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Lead nurturing means nurturing your leads through the buying process and building long-term relationships with them.

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Lead scoring is a way for businesses to prioritize and categorize leads based on various parameters like their interest or behavior that helps to determine

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LPR refers to an industry-wide standard of receiving inventory into a warehouse.

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It is important to understand the cycle to achieve the results you need for your business

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LinkedIn is a thriving community of entrepreneurs and business folks and is a handy place for career development and networking.

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Listing Fee is the nominal fee that you have to pay to list your products or services on eCommerce platforms.

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Processes such as warehousing, inventory management, labeling, packaging, payment, delivery, exchange, and return together form logistics

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A business strategy that allows businesses to realize significant profits by selling low volumes of hard-to-find products to many buyers.

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Long-tail keywords as the name suggests are long words that are specific in nature.

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A Lost Buy Box can be a nightmare for many sellers as it takes the most prominent “Add to Cart” button away from your products.

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Magento is an eCommerce platform built on open-source technology that provides online dealers and merchants with a flexible shopping cart system.

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Margin is the difference between a product’s selling price and the cost of production.

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Marketing Automation is all about using software to automate repetitive marketing tasks such as ad campaigns, social media posting, and email marketing

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A merchant account is a business bank account that is used by businesses to accept credit card payments in exchange for their products and services.

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A microsite is a smaller version of the brand’s main website.

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The middle of the funnel includes marketing activities midway through the funnel that supports customer research and evaluation.

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Minimum order quantity is the minimum number of product units required to be purchased at one time.

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Minimum Order Value is the minimum amount that you require the customers to spend on your website before you are able to ship their products

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Mix-effect measures sales impact from a change in product mix. Measured by PVM analysis, this effect can help calculate and adjust selling prices.

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Simply put, mobile marketing refers to marketing on or with mobile devices.

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Process of adjusting your website content to ensure that visitors who access the site from mobile devices won’t have difficulty.

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Monthly recurring revenue is the income that a business expects to earn every month

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Simply put, this platform allows you to launch and manage multiple stores from a single platform.

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Multivariate testing means trying several design changes on the website to find the best of all possible combinations.

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Native ads are paid ads that match the function, feel and look of the media format in which they appear.

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Net Profit represents the financial standing of a company after it has paid off all its expenses from its total revenue.

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Net Promoter Score is used to measure customer satisfaction by asking customers about their experience and how likely they are to recommend your product

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A No-follow link refers to backlinks that tell the search engines to not go any further, hence the term “no follow”.

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Off-page optimization refers to a type of SEO (Search engine optimization) tool that is used to enhance the rank of a page.

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Omnichannel in the business world equals being present in every platform in an integrated fashion

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Steps performed ‘ON' a specific page (of your website) to rank on Google are referred to as On-Page Optimization.

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Open Source eCommerce platform allows users to access the source code and customize the platform according to their business needs.

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Open rate is the percentage of emails ‘opened’ to the total number of emails sent.

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Order Fulfilment is all the steps a company takes between receiving a new order and placing that order into the customer’s hands.

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The out-of-stock rate refers to the amount of an assortment that is not in stock

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Pageview refers to every time a page is loaded or refreshed.

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When a customer purchases goods from us but all the items of the order are not shipped at one time.

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Pay-per-click marketing is a type of advertising wherein you pay when a user taps on your ad.

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To put it in simple terms, a payment gateway is an online payments’ service that is affiliated with an e-commerce platform.

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A payment service provider gives the merchant access to various methods to accept payments.

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PCI compliance means when businesses follow standards issued by PCI security standard councils to protect the data provided by credit cardholders

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Personalization is the way in which you create a personal experience for the user visiting your website.

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Point of sale is a place where the customer pays for the goods purchased along with the sales tax

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The emails you send after your purchase are the email campaigns or flows you send.

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A private label product is material designs eCommerce manufactured by a third party but sold under the retailer's own brand name

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Product bundling is a common marketing approach used by firms to get customers to buy more than they intended.

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A product category refers to a certain sort of item or service. To arrange products, a company usually creates product categories.

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A product comparison chart compares multiple items or similar products which have different features.

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The product detail page is a page on a website that provides the users with a complete description of a particular product.

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The way your customers find and explore your products is called product discovery.

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The product page is a page that displays a list of available products under a searched category.

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A product page that has been designed such that it is not only found by search engines but also to convert browsers into purchasers.

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The profit margin ratio contrasts profit to sales and tells how effectively the company is managing its finances overall.

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A purchase order is a contract that is drawn by the buyer when they want to purchase goods from the sellers/suppliers.

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Clickable popup messages that are displayed on the browsers of your users regardless of their device or browser

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A technique used by marketers to inform users about the product and services which they offer by sending notifications on multiple devices.

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A qualified lead is someone who has shown some interest in your product or the services that you offer by willingly providing his/her details

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In simple terms, a quick response (QR) code is a type of barcode that can be read easily by a digital device.

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Recommended retail price(RRP) is the price at which the manufacturer suggests the retailers to sell its product.

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Recurring Transactions are automated transactions that begin at a specified time once you subscribe.

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Responsive design ensures that web pages are presented correctly on many devices, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops.

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Return on investment is a rate that tells the merchant about the money he has earned after investing a certain amount.

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A Sales Funnel in eCommerce is a representation of the customer's journey from knowing your brand to purchasing.

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Scarcity Marketing is basically derived from the supply and demand principle of Economics.

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is how you increase the quantity and quality of users visiting your website with the help of search engine results.

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SERPs are the web pages that are displayed when you enter a query or a question in a search engine.

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A service level agreement (SLA) refers to a contract that stipulates all the terms and conditions between seller and marketplace.

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Session means the group of user interactions that your website has within a given time interval.

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Shopify is like the one-stop-shop for all the business tools that you need for the development and functioning of your eCommerce website.

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Shopify Marketing is a one-stop or one-platform using which you can find the right customers or shoppers for your products.

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The shopping cart is a virtual cart that carries items you wish to buy until you check out.

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Shopping cart abandonment is when a potential buyer of your product doesn't complete the checkout process.

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Smarketing is a strategy where both the sales and the marketing team work together towards common organizational goals and to integrate qualified leads.

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Snackable content is content that is like a snack that is consumed for a small time interval.

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eCommerce social media is the practice of using social media for the marketing of a product by the business.

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In simple terms, social proof is the belief that people follow the action of others.

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Social signals are the likes, shares, and views on your social media posts.

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Software-as-a-service, commonly condensed as SaaS is a deployment model hosted by a service provider centrally and licensed on a subscription basis.

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Stock Keeping Unit or SKU is a number that is allocated to a product to track it in the inventory.

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Store Credit refers to offering your customers a value for being a buyer at your store.

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Thank you page is where your customers are directed after they have successfully bought a product from your website. 

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Third-party payment is a processor that enables you to receive payments from your customers online.

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Time Lag is basically a Multi-channel Funnel that helps you analyze conversion paths in accordance with the contribution of each channel. 

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Top of the funnel is the stage at which the customer begins to do research about a product and without being sure about the exact features of the product. 

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Top Line is basically a sort of information that is displayed in the topmost line i.e in eCommerce

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A tracking pixel is usually hidden by developers with CSS and is very small but it has large importance in marketing.

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Transaction is the sale or purchase of goods or services between individuals or businesses.

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A Trust Badge is a similar kind of badge or seal that is placed over your eCommerce website.

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A turnkey is a prebuilt business just like a template that is ready to use after applying some customized operations.

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Two-factor authentication is basically a security mechanism or technique that protects your sensitive data from hackers and misusers.

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When an individual views a page of your website, then the pageviews during that session that are oriented to only that user are called unique page views.

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Unique Users are basically the users that visit your eCommerce website at least once in a fixed duration of time, which is generally 30 days.

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When a user clicks on the unsubscribe link that appears at the foot of the email, they are then taken to a page called the unsubscribe page.

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Upselling can not only increase the revenue from your business by 10-30 percent but it is more affordable than getting a new customer to your website.

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User experience is how a user interacts and engages with a product or service.

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The user interface is commonly abbreviated as UI and it is basically the design of your website on the user-end.

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Value-based pricing is very effective in creating a user experience for your customers that meets their expectations.

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Viral content is a business marketing strategy that advertises the products that a business sells over different distribution channels.

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Voice commerce is a technology that allows them to make use of voice commands to search or purchase a product online. 

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Web Analytics comprises all the metrics from a potential customer discovering your website to a customer purchasing your product.

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Website search is not just about the search box on your homepage but it also comprises product ranking and synonym management.

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Wholesale in eCommerce is a business-to-business model where you sell your products in bulk to other businesses at discounted prices.

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Word of mouth marketing is a type of marketing that depends on customer interactions for product promotion

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X Channel Management is the process by which a business tries to build up effective marketing and sales strategies to boost its customer engagement.

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XML sitemap is a map that directs the visitors to the important pages of a website and makes sure that they are accessible to Google.

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Youtube Ads are a platform for advertising a business in the form of a visual ad that plays at the beginning or mid of a Youtube video. 

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The content that is shared in the form of videos, ads, etc on Youtube is Youtube content.

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M-commerce includes any monetary transaction completed using a mobile device. It enables people to buy and sell goods anywhere using their mobile

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